Promoting Sustainable Behavioral Health Recovery Plans
Provides clients with comprehensive support services to mid-age and older clients. Since 2004, we have been offering treatment solutions that are individualized, holistic, and integrated.
What We Do
Outpatient Assistance
Our team provides professional oversight and support to clients and families as they transition through their recovery process. We supervise a continuing care plan and assist patients in finding outpatient programs, physicians, and therapists within the community
Individualized Care
Each program is different depending on your personal history and treatment progress. We offer support for the client’s specific “story” by utilizing the skills acquired during the continued treatment process and beyond. Our team also helps in identifying an existing care plan or developing a new one suitable for the needs of the client.
About Our Care Management Service
The mid-age and older adult is a special age group that requires a specific approach to care. For more than three decades, we have been developing a suitable model for this population. It consists of assessment, treatment, guidance, and advocacy.
Our Process
First, we provide an integrated assessment service. After this, we guide clients in selecting the best treatment options and assist them in the placement process. Our care managers ensure that the plan is followed by coordinating, monitoring, advocating, and re-evaluating the program.
About Our Care Management Service
The mid-age and older adult is a special age group that requires a specific approach to care. For more than three decades, we have been developing a suitable model for this population. It consists of assessment, treatment, guidance, and advocacy.
Our Process
First, we provide an integrated assessment service. After this, we guide clients in selecting the best treatment options and assist them in the placement process. Our care managers ensure that the plan is followed by coordinating, monitoring, advocating, and re-evaluating the program.
Our Approach Addresses the Client’s:
Family Dynamics
During mid-age and older adulthood, clients may experience losses that include the death or divorce of a partner or family members. Research suggests that older adults can experience prolonged stress due to a higher incidence of events that are beyond one’s control. These include chronic illness, reduced mobility, caregiving demands, and the passing of friends and family. These issues must be highlighted as clients move forward in their recovery.
We address career transitions and/or retirement. These changes can often increase the risk of substance abuse or mental health disorders. Career transition or retirement can create a new set of interpersonal challenges that require professional support.
Financial Health/Retirement Planning
Retirement is ranked as the 10th most stressful life events. Depending on the reasons for retirement, this event will impact each individual differently. In some cases, retirement brings with it feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and unexplained physical symptoms as well.
Retirement can also decrease one’s social network and hence drinking, substance abuse, depression, overeating, and many other unhealthy coping mechanisms may be likely to occur.
Also, at mid-age and older, financial planning is important. This helps seniors avoid developing fears of financial insecurity during this stage of life, which can increase the risk of depression and substance abuse.
RPS Care - protocol for treatment selection
For over three decades, RPS Care has been investigating and evaluating some of the leading professionals and treatment programs in the country. We utilize a signature program rating scale unique to our organization.
At RPS Care, we take into account the ongoing deficiency in specialized care for the mid-age or older adult population.
Individuals in this age group should not be placed in a treatment setting that will not address their distinctive challenges. Our recommendations align with the plans and needs of the client.
RPS Care utilizes a unique case management model, unlike any other in the behavioral health care profession. We continue to refine and further develop our unparalleled case management model to incorporate the ongoing challenges in society at large and the ever-increasing life span.
holistic and integrated approach
RPS Care advocates a holistic and integrated approach to care management which includes a focus on: